StART-Inspirational quotes on bookmarks
StART-Inspirational quotes on bookmarks

StART-Inspirational quotes on bookmarks
Culture is not only passed on orally or by instinctive imitation, but
above all through reading and study, hence also through assistance of
such a small object as a bookmark. The bookmark changed in the course of
time from the mere text marker to a carrier of communication, from a
marker for reading it turned into a mark which can be read for itself.
It becomes clear quickly especially when looking at the hand-made
bookmarks that there is an intensive and yet largely unexplored relation
of the human being to the bookmark.. Therefore we would like to touch
the importance of bookmarks through student designed bookmarks with a
wheel of wise sayings. Seeing the creativity and understanding blossom
will develop a good intercultural dialogue.
Create a Logo on the topic and send it to the e-twinning group
Create a Logo on the topic and send it to the e-twinning group
Six European partner school have decided to network in order to improve
their 21st century skills and competences through innovative teaching
methods. Teachers and students will benefit working on this project by
sharing examples of good practices and encouraging students to take
active part in their education, to be more tolerant and responsible and
to help students develop their transversal skills. We as teachers aim to
help out students change their attitudes towards themselves, others and
the EU thus becoming responsible and active citizens who will promote
European cultural heritage.
- Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. ngelo Augusto da Silva -Funchal, Portugal
- Srednja skola Ban Josip Jelacic- Zapresic, Croacia
- Koninklijk Atheneum- Geraardsbergen, Bélgica
- Adolfo Ramanausko - Vanago gimnazija - Alytaus, Lituania
- Munir Tinaztepe Mesleki Ve Teknik Adaolu Lisesi - Istanbul, Turquía.
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