miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

Dear Class of 2020


Dear students,
One last message for all of you.
Don't let not having a traditional ceremony keep you from your destiny. 
This COVID situation will improve and you will be stronger by getting through it and getting ready to make of your life what you want it to be. 
Expand your horizons, share your talents and be a lifelong learner. Get out of the comfort zone, travel internationally, and learn to say hello in many languages. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Go out there, be kind, have hope, and believe.


An inspiring message from the powerful Anthony Hopkins.

And more uplifting messages

President Obama shares a message of optimism with the class of 2020 as a part of 
dear Class of 2020. 

YouTube Originals “Dear Class of 2020," a virtual commencement celebration bringing together inspirational leaders, celebrities, and YouTube creators to celebrate graduates, their families, and their communities.
  • 00:00:00 Part 1: Featuring Alicia Keys and Lizzo
  • 00:27:37 Part 2: Featuring Michelle Obama and Beyoncé
  • 01:18:25 Part 3: Featuring BTS
  • 01:43:08 Part 4: Featuring Sundar Pichai
  • 02:04:46 Part 5: Featuring Sec. Condoleezza Rice and Malala 
  • 02:29:43 Part 6: Featuring Maluma
  • 02:42:10 Part 7: Featuring Sec. Robert M. Gates
  • 03:28:37 Part 8: Featuring President Barack Obama, Lady Gaga, and Chloe x Halle
  • 03:59:31 Part 9: Katy Perry and Grad Party

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

The Ickabog Story Begins! J.K. Rowling

Hi, everybody!
For those who enjoy so much reading here you have The Ickabog, a new story by J.K.Rowling.
There is also an Illustration Competition so click here to continue reading and start to enjoy the magic.

J.K.Rowling is publishing a new story called The Ickabog, which will be free to read online to help entertain children and families stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic.
There will be daily installments published until July 10th.
The book will be published in print this year, and Rowling said she will donate royalties from its sales to projects helping those particularly affected by the pandemic.

                            The first two chapters of The Ickabog are available for free                                                                 here:https://www.theickabog.com/read-the-story/

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020


Helldear students! 
I was so glad to see you all are alright and as hardworking as usual. 

We will have the chance to have another video conference and talk about your improvements with the web books.

Next you have all the activities you will have to do to finish this school year successfully.

You are all doing great soo far so it is just one more push and you will be there.

See you soon.



Student’s book.

Unit 6 Student’s book Todos los ejercicios excepto la redacción.

Todos los ejercicios

Unit 1 Workbook excepto la redacción.

Unit 2 Workbook excepto la redacción

Unit 3 Workbook excepto la redacción.

Unit 4 Workbook excepto la redacción.

Unit 5 Workbook excepto la redacción.

Unit 6 Workbook excepto la redacción


Todos los ejercicios se realizarán y serán corregidos online a través de los libros online (web books).

Tenéis también los  Interactive books para ampliar vocabulario y gramática.

Todas las actividades que realicéis serán tenidas en cuenta positivamente.


Para cualquier duda contactar




Links de repaso y ampliación



Ejercicios nivel B2

Ejercicios nivel C1

Practicar Listening

Diccionario online https://www.wordreference.com/




Corrección ONLINE


Unit 6  14 de mayo



Unit 1 y Unit 2, antes del 22 Mayo

Unit 3  antes del 29 de mayo

Unit 4  antes del 5 de junio

Unit 5 antes del 12 de junio

Unit 6  antes del 19 de junio




Criterios de calificación para la 3ª evaluación:




20% grammar and vocabulary

 20 % writing

 20 % speaking and listening

 20 % reading  

 20% trabajo y actitud



Los ejercicios de cada unidad contarán para superar evaluaciones suspensas y reforzar contenidos para tanto los alumnos suspensos como para subir nota de aquellos alumnos que van aprobando todas las evaluaciones.


lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Homework April 27th - May 8th - COVID quarantine

Hello 4th graders,
Firstly, I hope you are all keeping well.
Thank you everyone for being so tenacious with homework, I really appreciate you shared a little bit of yourself with the audios, and for some, I know it is not easy.
These two weeks you go back to work with the Student's book and get familiar with the Mass Media world and its vocabulary. So you are going to do the exercises on your notebook.

Student’s book.
Unit 6 Media Madness
·         Página 65       Ej.: 1, 2 y 3
·         Página 66-67  Ej.: 1 y 2
·         Página 68-69  Ej  All.

On Thursday May 7th, we are going to have a Zoom video conference to check homework but also to share some time together. I will publish the ID and password later, the next week.
By then, and thanks to the effort made by all during this confinement we will already have gone for a long walk and will be more optimistic and may have a clearer picture of the future.

Fuencis de Vicente le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada.
I asked Judith and Ágata or Naiara to share it with the rest of the class. I think you have a wasup group, don't you.

Tema: 4DE 
Hora: 7 may 2020 12:00 PM Madrid
Unirse a la reunión Zoom
ID de reunión: 731 6278 6206
Contraseña: 5WkNTB

  If you read Harry Potter you will enjoy this

two quizzes:

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

Homework 14 - 24 April - COVID quarantine

IMPORTANTE: Identificaros en los audios, incluso poner vuestro nombre y apellido a los archivos y doc que generéis me es de gran ayuda. Muchas gracias.
Estoy recibiendo ya algún audio, no hace falta que los volváis a enviar.

Perdonad el error en la actividad sobre los videos de Coronavirus:
Pincháis los enlaces y cuando vais acabando las dos actividades que hay por cada vídeo os pone SEE HOW YOU DID IT y ahí es donde ponéis el nombre con apellido y el código de la clase Fuencis 4 D. Y así con cada uno de los vídeos.
o hacéis de esta manera, me llegan los resultados sin ningún problema, siempre y cuando sigáis las instrucciones.

Lo mismo en cuanto a las actividades de Quizlet, pero ¡ojo! no vale hacer solo las fichas, hay que hacer todas las actividades propuestas en cada unidad. Cada una incluye vocabulario que podéis/debéis usar en el audio que grabaréis posteriormente y me enviáis por correo. Y hacéis las actividades en el orden propuesto.

Siento los malentendidos, espero que ahora no tengáis ningún problema.

Buen fin de semana



How a blockbluster Washington Post story made 'social distancing' easy to understand
Hello dear students,
I hope you made the most of your Easter holidays and could disconnect somehow at least from homework.

Next you have the task you have to complete for two weeks so you can do them at your own pace and study the solutions carefully before you click your final answers.
                                     Social distancing  easy to understand

You still have the chance to do the homework of previous weeks.
Try to make your task following the next proposal, and I hope you enjoy doing them.


Hasta 17 ABRIL 
      Completar cuestionarios
      Rellenar los huecos de los ejercicios

To do these activities, do the quiz and the fill in the gap exercise, using the code Fuencis 4 D


To do these Quizlet games ask to join class: 2 Bach using the link https://quizlet.com/join/6Ce8V9vus
Your results will be registered and sent to me.

Watch and listen to these conversations:

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

What’s your favourite book or film?

Record an audio or video talking about you and your personality, and about a book, film or hobby you like. Between 1’30 y 2 minutes.

      20% LISTENING
      20% SPEAKING
      10% READING
      10% WORK


Hi everybody,

Here we are again!

Thanks for your dedication to the Women's Projects. 👏

As you can see this week you will be working with the book you chose to read.

In the book report, you will just include the information you have to write in the Book Cover Project (or Book jacket). And then you send that document to me. 

Be patient with my comments, I have so many emails to answer...

I need you to register and join the classes assigned for your group in Quizlet and ESL videos to do some activities after the Easter holidays, but it will help if you are already registered.

So, the idea is that during this holiday you just review playing, watching films and series in English but above all, take this time to be happy and enjoy with your families collaborating in everything you can to make coexistence rewarding for all.

A virtual hug to all of you.


PS: Some of you have told me you have had problems obtaining the results of the listening. Don't worry, the important thing is that it has been useful to practice.
Don't worry either if you are a bit late with your task, better late than never.

4D Sección Tareas para la semana del 31 de marzo

1.   Make sure you sent me your presentations:  100 WOMEN OF THE YEAR PROJECT

Have you already finished reading the book you chose?  So now prepare to write a…

2.    Book report
  Write a book report including the following structure and mail it to my mail account:
 -  Title and author
 -  Type of book
 -  Setting: what, when, where does the story happen.
 -  Theme/Summary: What is the book about? What happens?
 -  Characters: describe the main characters in the story.
 -  Quotes: write three sentences you like from the story.
 -  Opinion: Do you like it? Why? Why not? Explain.

3.   Listening. The listening lasts 45 minutes so make sure you are ready to do it non-stop. Save the results and mail them to me.  

4.       Hunger Games dialogue
5.       Extreme adjectives
6.       So/such and too/enough
7.       Conditionals
8.    ESL videos activities (home page)

I recommend you do these activities in your notebook too, it will help you assimilate concepts.

- Register in the QUIZLET link https://quizlet.com/join/6Ce8V9vus and join your class 4D
- Register in https://eslvideo.com/acc_scores3.php  and join my Class 3 using the code Fuencis 4D

Next week we will be doing some exercises from this site.

Check the blog and do some more exercises and games to reinforce and review vocabulary and grammar in the section Gram and Voc Videos.

I will be updating links and Quizlet games to revise and that will also be part of your 3rd term marks since I will receive your results by mail. So it is really important you register and do these activities.

Send the book report to fvicentesanz@educa.madrid.org
and any other question you have about anything.

Estas tareas contarán como parte de la evaluación según consta en la programación:
40% Book report
20% Listening /Oral comprehension
10% Reading
10% Work

Have some fun with a Brain Teaser with Kahoot


What is the Coronavirus?

Perdonad el error sobre la siguiente actividad:
Pincháis los enlaces y cuando vais acabando las dos actividades que hay por cada cídeo os pone SEE HOW YOU DID IT y ahí es donde ponéis el nombre con apellido y el código de la clase Fuencis 4 D. Y así con cada uno de los vídeos.
Hasta ahora than llegado los de
  • Marta Castro
  • Alberto Duque
  • Nour El Sayadi
  • Aitana García
  • David Íñiguez
  • Ámbar Rehmani
  • Naiara San josé (solo la mitad)
  • Acheton Soumare
Buen fin de semana a todos

To do the following activities, please sign up in  https://eslvideo.com/                              Your class code: Fuencis 4 D

What is the Coronavirus?
Let's remember one of our last lessons.
First watch the video:

Now click on the link and do the quiz and the gap-filling exercise

How to talk about the coronavirus in English
First, watch the video and practice pronunciation:

                 coronavirus            restrictions      
                 symptoms              contained     
                 vaccine                  outbreak       
                 contagious             contracted  

   Coronavirus /kəˈʊˌvaɪrəs/         Restriction /rɪˈstrɪkʃən/ 
   Symptom     /ˈsɪmptəm/                 Contained   /kənˈteɪn/
   Vaccine    /ˈvæksiːn/                        Outbreak    /ˈaʊtbreɪk/   
   Contagious /kənˈteɪdʒəs/                  Contracted  /kən træk′tid/

Now click on the link and do the exercises: quiz and gap-filling

Get the facts on coronavirus
First, watch the video and pay attention to these words:

       Global      Potentially     Attack      Outcome   
                    Symptoms     Virus     Target

Now click on the link and do the exercises: quiz and gap-filling